Jazz it up with Yara

There’s another edition of Yara’s Solo jazz/Charleston workshop for fanatics! 🙂 its coming up real soon, this evening (Saturday, april 17) at 19:00 so clear your planners and come and join us! Theme: Soft shoe tap / rhythms + a fun routine Level: The class is open for all levels but it’s prepped and taught

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May 5th in Westerpark!

Swingstreet will be performing along with Amsterdam’s other lindy hop schools in the Westerpark on Liberation day (may 5th). There will be social dancing, performances and a taster class, so bring your friends! More info can be found here: And the schedule is as follows: 14:00 – 15:00 – Social dance with DJ Praveen a.k.a

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SOOP Cabaret special

On friday the 13th of March, there will a SOOP special with a Cabaret theme. Come dressed up and join in the fun ! The Secret swing society is all set to set your feet dancing. Also, there are quite a few shows/performances planned that night. So come along and party on ! Click here

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